A Little Lesson in Paradise…

I’m in Hawaii. Hawaii is pretty much like our second home. We come here to get away from the every day “business” that we live in. And, yes, we love our “everyday business” life… but it’s just nice to get away at times — as YOU do as well, I’m sure. But the last thing anyone really wants to hear about is someone elses amazing vacation sitting on the beach sipping on pina coladas, having every meal at a 5 star restaurant, never making your bed, driving around in your dream car, and living it up, while YOU are stuck surrounded by laundry and screaming children — or the every day mundane process we all endure…work.
Therefore, I will once again write about what God teaches me — even when life is seemingly going great.

“Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.” 
Psalms 46:10

While preparing for our trip to “Paradise,” I was really rather calm. I had everything organized — toilets cleaned, laundry folded and put away, the fish and dog delivered to the “animal sitter,” arrangements and things in order for the house sitter, etc. All was well!
…Until my pinky toe stumbled over my suitcase that was sitting in the middle of the floor waiting for the trip. It hurt. I won’t lie, but I had to move on. I continued at lightning speed. Getting every little item we would need. As I was making one final sweep past my luggage, my pinky toe yet again met the wheel.

I screamed. Hit the floor… And let me tell you the “Hallelujah Chorus” was NOT coming out of my mouth. I’m sure I said a few words that are considered to be “unmentionables” and I do apologize. But, indeed, it looked and felt as though my toe was broken. But one must move on when there’s a plane to catch!

I continued throwing in the last minute items into the bag. Since we take this same trip so often, it’s extrmemly easy to pack — I pack only clothes and shoes in the suitcase and purchase toiletries and beach toys at Walmart once we get there!
And for those of you who are curious… I’ve learned the “hard way” what can happen to people who pack shampoo, conditioner, lotion, your 6 step anti-aging facial kit, bubble bath, lavender scented bath salts, candles. lighters. rubbing alcohol, sunscreen, aloe vera gel, nail polish remover, bright neon pink nail polish, and cotton balls…OH! And a brand new bottle of Dior foundation that cost $45…
BELIEVE ME!! It’s cheaper to buy it at Walmart when you get there — It makes a very yucky mess in your luggage and you will pay extra for a super heavy bag — NOT TO MENTION…. you will have to purchase ALL of that yet again when you get there, along with an entire new wardrobe, unless, you don’t mind walking around looking like you fell into a PINK nail salon and they painted pretty much everything on you other than your nails…
In an effort to NOT have that same freakishly horrific episode occur yet AGAIN…, I chose to FLEE from all “liquid” temptation and RUN to Walmart for all my liquid-beautification needs once we arrive in Hawaii.

Here is where God taught this NOT so “With-It Girl” a little lesson…

We got off the plane in Hawaii. I walked over to the baggage claim, and as the luggage was flipping and flopping onto the belt I saw my beautiful red bag make it’s grand entrance into Hawaii. The bag thankfully smelled quite good — raspberry I think. However, it was covered in someone elses shampoo…
You can imagine my excitement to discover that out of all the people for that to happen to, it happened to ME…  the “smart one.” The one who “thought through” what can happen when one packs raspberry shampoo in their suitcase… Who chose to FLEE from liquid temptation and was going to NOT have to deal with shampoo in luggage… I had a plan. And raspberry shampooed luggage was NOT IT… And to top it off… in an effort to make the world a “cleaner” place and more “green” or “eco-firendly,” Hawaii does not offer napkins or paper towels at the airport baggage area.
So there I was with my sweet amazing family in Hawaii, dragging my rapberry flavored luggage and walking like Egore from “Young Frankenstein.”

So why do I share that?

So often we believe a lie…  We think “If I plan ahead and do this… or do that… then everything will turn out ‘peachy perfect!'” And all too often we find ourselves disappointed and frustrated with raspberry luggage in hand. We feel that all our time planning was wasted because EVERYTHING changed in a moment due to circumstances outside of our control.

The truth is, We have NO CONTROL… And that’s hard for this “control-freak” woman to understand. But God is so kind to remind me of His control in all things. And He reminds me of that — especially when my plans don’t turn out the way I THINK they should.

I could have reacted in a very unloving, not God-honoring way when I discovered my raspberry flavored luggage. I could have let my frustration take control of a situation that I really had ZERO control over. My response WOULD and COULD have taken control and effected everyone else in my family’s experience as we arrived. But instead, God reminded me that HE is God. And honestly, He’s kinda funny. I found so much humor in the luggage that all I could do was laugh and thank Him for getting us there.

  • What are ways that you can remind yourself to trust God — especially when we think everything in life is going great?
  • Are you allowing God to be in control with your thoughts? 2 Corinthians 10:5 
  • Are you taking time to “Be still and KNOW that He is God?” (Ps. 46:10)